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I’new’tiative- The Key Step Towards Growth

“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” -Anne Frank

Most of us might have heard about Anne Frank, specifically known her through her diary. Living behind the bookshelf for years, optimism and faith led her to initiate writing about her life. The initiative she took of keeping a journal of what was happening in each aspect of her life just did not keep her going but led her with hope that her story would be heard by someone, someday

Alike should be our perspective and reach towards something which is entirely new or something which scares you. In the way, towards gaping the barrier between our goals and achieving our dreams, all it requires is an initiative. Each one of us has personal aims and goals, be it spending time with family, having better lifestyle and improving health, wanting to communicate better or to do more of things that one enjoys. Create a plan and take action to complete the respective aim. Create a checklist of your goals and map out a way you will accomplish them. Take help or guidance, if needed but start. Initiating the journey to accomplish them is a small yet appreciated achievement. Set realistic deadlines and let your peers help you throughout to make them happen.

According to a research, conducted in the English Department at the University in North Sulawesi, Indonesia it was observed that there is a correlation between a student’s personal initiative towards their speaking performance. This research was done with the motive to find out a student's personal initiative towards their achievement in speaking English. Based on the findings, it was concluded that personal initiative of students was an important characteristic to be considered as one of various factors that looked into the determination of a student's achievement. It was suggested that students should encourage themselves by taking initiative to speak and voice their opinion with required guidance.

Initiative is a self-management practice, and self-management is considered to be one of five keys in life and work skills for Young Professionals. Nevertheless, it is just not young people who need to take new initiatives but mostly everyone requires to, especially when working at an office consumes most of the day. One should think of ways that can help one to showcase their potential. Put forward the idea for that business that is what maybe your manager is looking for. If denied or rejected then work over the feedback and get better. Take up classes and acquire new skills that you can bring to your as well as their table, just take the step forward to commence.

Researchers such as Michael Frese and Doris Fay defines initiative as, "work behavior characterized by its self-starting nature, its proactive approach, and by being persistent in overcoming difficulties that arise in pursuit of a goal.", and it is a notable factor as there have been instances wherein most of us have witnessed initiatives in action, such as a young manager filling in for his or her boss's shoes when he or she is not around, while the rest of the team is unsure of how to proceed. When one shows initiative to do something that he or she has not been told to do that time, that person starts acquiring knowledge for the same and will take up the opportunity as soon as it is available.

Initiating something different or new is tough but at the same time one’s talents and strengths to come up with solutions through ideal manner to meet the crucial needs of the society or work is not only commendable but also it gives one the confidence to take on more difficult and long-term objectives in his or her life.

In neighborhoods or in the respective community, people want to bring in change but what lacks is the support and a push to initiate a movement. In hope of a better place, together each one needs to take strides in order to build a community of change. Taking actions, no matter how big or small, it will be the first step. One can never never know what or how much of an impact an initiative can bring in the community even if it is as small as distributing food baskets to families in need with meals or donating basic hygiene necessities. The awareness and funds that are raised for causes such as poverty, diseases or human rights, may inspire other people to do the same and make even better progress. These are a couple of the many ways one can take initiative to bring change.

The ability to be resourceful or skilled and work or practice without always being told what to do, that is initiative and it requires resilience and determination. People who take initiative demonstrate the capability of thinking for themselves and take action when necessary. When one initiates to do things without being asked, solve problems that others may not have noticed needs solving, and go out of the way to continue learning or getting better skilled at something because at last being better is for self development.

Taking Initiative has become highly important be it in school as a student or work as a professional. Organisations want the associated people to be confident, who can think on their feet and take action without waiting for someone to tell them what to do and these skills need to be worked upon daily. After all, this type of flexibility, and courage is what will help a person, and collectively an organisation to innovate, and to stand out better even with higher competency.

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